Potluck Presentation: Conserving Southwestern Grasslands
Friday, April 04, 2025
5:00pm - 7:00pm Mountain Elgin, Arizona

Location Details
Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch of the National Audubon Society
366 Research Ranch Road, Elgin, 85611, AZ

RSVP Required! Sign up here: https://act.audubon.org/a/researchranch-spring-2025-presentations
Grassland birds are declining faster than any other group of birds in North America. In the Southwest our grasslands play an outsized role in supporting continental bird populations by providing crucial overwintering habitat. During this presentation, Audubon Southwest Executive Director, Jonathan Hayes, will discuss the challenges grassland birds face and what we can do in the Southwest to support them.
Event will begin at 5pm with the potluck dinner beginning at about 5:30 (please wait for all the guest to arrive - we'll announce when it's time to eat!). The presentation will immediately follow the meal. Come join us, invite a friend, and bring a dish to share. Also, don't forget to bring some food items to donate to the Santa Cruz food bank!
*This presentation is part of our annual Potluck Presentation Series. Check out the full 2025 schedule at https://bit.ly/AWRRpotluck.
(Blue Skies over the grasslands of the Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch of the National Audubon Society. Photo: Steven Prager/Audubon Southwest.)